Milwaukee Stock Car Racing Association

MSC Rules


Rules for the M.S.C.
All CARS that will be participating in MSC events may be inspected and must pass inspection to participate
  • 5 point Harness required, no older than 3 years
  • Snell Approved Helmet (be advised, some tracks will require a Snell 2015)
  • Fire Suit, Gloves, Leather Shoes or Boots and Nomex neck brace are required.  (Nomex Socks & Underwear and racing shoes are recommended)
  • Each driver must have a programmable one-way radio receiver such as a Raceceiver.
  • All cars must have a fire extinguisher in the pits, on the trailer
  • Fuel Cells are required with a suggested 22 gauge can
  • Batteries must be covered and securely mounted if in the cockpit
  • Mandatory oil pressure shut-off, if using electric fuel pump
  • All radius rods must be securely fastened
  • Must have a front drive shaft hoop
  • Front of rear radius rod must be chained or strapped to prevent rod from dropping into ground
  • All steering heims should have oversized washers
  • All cars must have 2 (two) return springs that must be attached at different spots on the accelerator linkage
  • Toe strap on accelerator pedal mandatory
  • Adequate padding required in drivers compartment
  • All cars must be self-inspected to be allowed to participate in green flag lap racing
  • MSC drivers competing in an MSC race must be a member in good standing, of the MSC. Members of other clubs may race with MSC for a $5.00 fee each race.
  • Firewalls must be tight
  • Mufflers preferred but not required
  • Vintage style wing, no billboard style wings
  • Cars that race in MSC Events MUST BE Original Vintage Cars and/or cars built in the Vintage Spirit as determined by the MSC Board of Directors
  • Downtube cars allowed so long as the tail resembles a car.  No boxes.
  • All MSC members cars must be neatly painted and carry the association identification (MSC) at all times. The letters MSC are to be a minimum of three inches in height.

Additional Information:

MSC drivers competing in MSC Events have found that putting on a good show, having fun, and giving each other opportunities to run in front, has been the way to run a safe, crowd pleasing show. We will try to convey this spirit to those who run with us. We DO NOT want any Win-At-All-Cost driving. In this vein, New MSC Members will be on a one-year on track probation. The MSC Board of Directors will discipline any hard driving as determined by it. This may be one race, multiple races, or whole year ban on competing in a MSC Event.

All new drivers must start in the back until approved by the board.

Exceptions to ALL or ANY of the above qualifications and specifications may be made under special circumstances at the discretion of the MSC Board of Directors. The intent is not to exclude, but rather to include all cars that keep within the Spirit of Vintage Racing.

Rules last modified on December 5, 2021

Any questions can be routed through the webmaster link below.

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