Milwaukee Stock Car Racing Association

2018 MSC Event Schedule as of March 25 2018


  • Events for the upcoming season will be posted as dates are finalized. 
  • Links to the tracks websites are below the schedule.  You can click on each tracks site to get directions and other information.
  • All owners of non-approved racing cars are welcome to show their car in the grandstand (or designated area) at all tracks and will receive two (2) grandstand admissions.

2018 Schedule


May 6 (Sunday) -- Outagamie Speedway, Seymour, WI

June 30 (Saturday) -- Art Richer Memorial Night with vintage mods, Escanaba, MI

July 6 (Friday) -- Harry Neitzel Tribute Night, Dodge County Fairgrounds, Beaver Dam, WI

July 21 (Saturday) -- Wilmot Raceway, Wilmot, WI


August 11 (Saturday) -- Wilmot Raceway, Wilmot, WI



August 24 (Friday) -- Spring Lake Speedway, Unity, WI


September 2 (Sunday) -- Angell Park Speedway, Sun Prairie, WI

141 Speedway

Amherst Speedway

Angell Park Speedway

Dodge County Fairgrounds Speedway

Golden Sands Speedway

Madison International Speedway

Milwaukee Mile

Norway Speedway

Outagamie Speedway, Seymour, WI

PDTR at Sheboygan County Fairgrounds (Plymouth)

Spring Lake Speedway, Unity, WI

TNT Speedway

Upper Peninsula International Raceway

Wilmot Raceway

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